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Meet The Breeding Groups


NPIP cerified flock of beautiful Ayam Cemanis. Bred for their lean composition and unique black coloring; from organs to skin, these guys are to swoon over. 

Q-Tip is a white bearded silkie, coupled with a Silver Laced Wyandotte, a black Silkie hen and a Salmon Faverolles to create a variety of unique color combinations along with the the friendly silkie demeanor. 


Our Buff silkie rooster, poppy, is in a breeding group along with a white crested black polish hen, and a black silkie hen. The color and feathering combinations from this group are endless.

 Eggs from the offspring of this flock come in shades of green and blue, depending on the hen. The feathering pattern and color can come in white with black, but varies from chick to chick.


The rooster of this flock, Louie, is a F1 olive egger. The offspring's eggs from this flock range from green to brown. Feathering patterns and color are a fun and colorful suprise.

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