Tehachapi, California
This is a newly published site still in progress. Pricing, quantity and product information may be incomplete, incorrect, or missing entirely. Do not attempt to order at this time, but feel free to contact us.
The Ayam Cemani
From the beginning of our chicken keeping journey, the rare Ayam Cemani has always fascinated us. They have a dominant gene that causes hyperpigmentation (fibromelanosis) which causes them to be solid black from head to toe, beak to organs. This breed originates from indonesia, Ayam meaning "chicken" and Cemani meaning "thoroughly black" (down to the bones). They have been estimated to have been around since the 12th century and have been used for religious and mystical purposes.
Being a lean and agile breed, roosters generally weigh anywhere from 4.4-5.5 lb and the hens weighing in at 3.3-4.4 lb.
The hens, who are unlikely to go broody, lay anywhere 80-100 eggs per year. They are off white to cream small/medium sized eggs.
Our birds
Our flock is docile and exhibits very little color flaws, which can be very hard to come by. On our available page you can browse what is available from this flock. We choose to separate chicks based off of their level of color density. Perfect chicks will be considered suitable for breeding, or just keeping for their incredible and fascinating coloring, and their price will coordinate with their quality.
The Ayam Cemani is a high cull breed, we sell the chicks with flaws at a lower rate because we believe they are still incredible birds and deserving of appreciative homes. These flaws include a slight discoloration of the toes, or a pink coloring in the tongue, these traits fade with age, therefore are more prevalent in chicks. Chicks with such flaws will be found if they are available at the time on the "available" tab at a lower rate. We can only recommend these flawed chicks are not bred in order to keep the integrity of this proud breed and the solid black genetics strong.