Tehachapi, California
This is a newly published site still in progress. Pricing, quantity and product information may be incomplete, incorrect, or missing entirely. Do not attempt to order at this time, but feel free to contact us.
About Silkies
If you're looking for a great pet or to add some color and fluff to your yard, you're in the right place! first glance, it's clear what makes the Silkie so unique. Their fluffy plumage, which more resembles fur rather than feathers, feels almost like satin or silk, granting this breed the name "silkie". Silkie feathers lack barbicels, which means the individual strands of the feathers are left fluffy, similar to that of down feathers. With beards, crests, and feathered feet these guys are pure fluff from head to toe. Which leads into another interesting fact about silkies, they have an extra toe on each foot, leaving them with total of ten toes (if you can find it under all that fluff)! This bantam breed is known for their calm disposition and low aggression tendencies. They truly are perfect lap chickens. Then hens also make excellent mothers, and have a high tendency to go broody.
Silkie Mixes
While we do offer pure silkies, we understand that a full silkie may not be right for every flock. Their large crest, small bodies, and calm demeanor can leave them susceptible to bullying from other chickens as well predator attacks. For this reason, we have also paired Q-tip, our silkie, along with a few other breeds to compliment silkie traits, and allow more room for these birds to fit into your flock. While we cant say for certain what traits these chicks will have (whats the fun in that anyways?) We have a pretty good idea on at least some of the traits to expect from these F1 crosses. Chicks will most likely have feathered feet, fluffy cheeks and beards, and the silkie rose comb. However, Silkie feathering and crest is a recessive gene, so first generation crosses are highly unlikely to exhibit these features. Its a toss up weather the mixed chicks from this flock will have four toes or five.
Salmon Faverolles
One of our favorite breeds here is the Salmon Faverolles, you can find them in a few of our breeding flocks as well. Salmon Favorolles share a few characteristics with silkies; they have big fluffy beards, cheeks, and bodies, as well as have five toes. While silkies come in a range of colors, Salmon Favorolles have honey and white coloring. They are the characters of the group, if we are taking a picture, one of our salmons will be the first one to shove their big fluffy cheeks right into the camera. Salmon Favorolles are chatty and ours will quite literally hold a conversation with you, chatting back and forth.
Silver Laced Wyandotte
We also Have Q-Tip with our Silver Laced Wyandotte, Bloom, our reason on this one is pretty simple, bloom is stunning. They have primarily black bodies and white feathers across the back, with a perfect black "lacing" tracing each of the feathers. While they now come in a variety of colors, The Silver Laced is the original color of this breed. They are named after the indigenous people of North America, the Wyandot people. Similar to Silkies, Wyandottes are another very docile breed, making them great with people, as well as great mothers. With a tendancy to go broody, hens are high in egg production, laying around 200 large eggs per year.
Our birds
White bearded silkie Rooster
Black silkie
Salmon Faverolles
Silver Laced Wyandotte